Merci de m’avoir fait rêver il y a trente ans. Et encore aujourd’hui. Avec Max. Avec ta poésie. Avec ta philosophie de la vie et des choses. Merci monsieur.

Maurice Bernard Sendak
Born in Brooklyn (New York) in 1928

Stay on the scene in 2012. Have a good one! Everybody!

“I need you to… say: I’m in the one percent.”
Piers Morgan
CNN interview with Michael Moore

“An Earl Grey with its bergamot notes is a perfect fit for a gin like Tanqueray, while lapsang souchong gives a hint of smoke to a rich, chocolate-heavy rum like Zacapa.”
Tom Aske (Fluid Movement)

“The video was not reproduced  because apparently there was no connection for it and officials neither found the fast forward button.”
Carlos Sanchez Almeida (Attorney)

I have learned silence from the talkative, tolerance from the intolerant, and kindness from the unkind. I should not be ungrateful to these teachers.

Kahlil Gibran (1883-1931)

… merci!! Klaus-Peter

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plástico fantástico

en venta libre · 9€

museo nacional de
ciencias naturales
josé abascal 2
28006 madrid
34 91 411 1328

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plástico fantástico

en venta libre · 9€

museo nacional de
ciencias naturales
josé abascal 2
28006 madrid
34 91 411 1328