Archives for category: Poster

Stay on the scene in 2012. Have a good one! Everybody!

Joseph, el rebelde.
Poster for movie promoted by ATD Cuarto Mundo
on the birth and adventure of this ngo.

Check their work. It’s strictly necessary:



“Además de las tasas de interés las autoridades tienen un amplio conjunto de herramientas que puede usar ante una desaceleración global.”
Rodrigo Vergara (Banco Central de Chile)

“Our worst fears are being realized… They keep coming up with more tools to use against us.”
Kenny Watkins (Farmer)

“People who are less well off are less connected. That makes it harder for them to use new tools for civic activism and to gather information easily and on-the-fly.”
Lee Rainie (Director of the Pew Internet Project)

“No one can do everything that he’d wanted to. The key lies in choosing: sometimes the chance does that for you, sometimes it’s your personal decision, a third party, the fate … The important thing is to have done the best I could. Surely there is no life after death, but for sure there is a life before death, and it must be built as rich as we can.”
Jean-Claude Carrière

“Even classical composers who used trumpets, like Mahler, for example, didn’t write solo concerti for trumpet… So it was jazz players who showed that the trumpet could be poetic. I’ve been inspired by their risk taking.
Hakan Hardenberger